Jukai recipients from November 2022
About our sangha


We are a Soto Zen Buddhist sangha practicing the Buddha's wisdom, compassion, and meditation in mountains of Northern Nevada. Our mission is to provide Buddhist teachings and practice in the tradition passed down from the Japanese Soto monk Eihei Dogen (1200-1253 CE) through Shunryu Suzuki of the San Francisco Zen Center and Berkely Zen Center. The focus of our practice is integrating Zen with everyday life.


Rev. Sekibu Alice Tulloch

Rev. Sekibu Alice Tulloch

Chinese characters for dharma name
Sekibu Alice Tulloch convened Kogaku-ji, Facing the Mountain Zen Group, in 2014 in Reno, NV. She began her own practice in 1972, initially with a zen group in Eugene, OR. After many years of practice, she became the student of Myoan Grace Schireson, with whom she ordained in 2012 and received Dharma Transmission from Baika Heaton in 2018. She is a graduate of the SPOT Leadership Program of the Shogaku Institute, and has trained in Non-Violent Communication.
After a full career as an environmental engineer, Alice has expanded her Buddhist practice by engagement in climate issues. She is a long-distance hiker (John Muir Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail, and the Camino de Santiago). A vital part of her practice is the integration of zen, climate action and the practice of pilgrimage, in accordance with the principles of the Zen Peacemakers:
Not Knowing. Bearing Witness. Appropriate Action.Zen Peacemakers Three Tenets
Tetsuzan Jeff Urmston

Tetsuzan Jeff Urmston

Chinese characters for dharma name
Tetsuzan Jeff is a novice priest and helps facilitate operations for Facing the Mountain Zen Group. He began studying zen in 2003 at Butsuji Temple in Mihara, Japan while studying at Hiroshima University. In 2013 he met Alice Tulloch and become her student. Jeff served as Shuso during the 2023 Ango and was ordained in 2024.

Affiliated Mountain Sanghas


140 Washinton Street Suite
Reno, Nevada 89503
Since our founding in 2014 the folks at Dharmakaya Buddhist Center have graciously provided us with our location. Please take a moment to check out their offerings in the Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.