white stone buddha statue on a body of water in front of flowers

Fall practice period

Ango - Fall Practice Period

Zen practice periods are a time to deepen your personal practice while also bring it into your daily life.
Take this time to loosen up your everyday life. Go a little deep in your practice. Settle in for winter. You can also consider increasing your daily zazen, community service, body practice in the outdoors like walking or singing, and of course, practice discussion with your teacher.
Theme and readings will be announced at the beginning of the practice period.


  • TBD Practice period begins; Shuso entering ceremony
  • TBD Shuso “tea”
  • TBD Tahoe retreat
  • TBD Sejiki: wear costumes and bring noise makers
  • TBD Shuso Hossen ceremony
  • TBD On-line sesshin
  • TBD Period ends, closing ceremony