Close up of a wooden Buddha statue face with yellow background.Looking across snowy foothills in Reno, Nevada towards Mount Rose.A group of priests and students doing a silly pose after a retreat.An upclose view of a tree looking up towards the leaves and branches from Butsuji Temple, Japan.Small stone stones of past abbots in the garden at Butsuji Temple, Japan.
Mountains painted in Japanese Sumi-e style inside a Zen circle, or enso, with a hanko seal that reads "Kougakuji" (Facing the Mountain Temple)
Kōgaku-ji Temple

Welcome to our Sangha

We are a Soto Zen Buddhist sangha located in Reno, Nevada.
Join us for weekly zen meditation and a lecture on Tuesday nights. Zazen is the meditation practice which originated in Japan, under the traditions of Soto Zen Buddhism founded by Eihei Dogen. In this practice, we train our minds to focus the attention and at the same time not cling to the stream of thoughts and emotions. We practice on the cushion so we can bring this peaceful practice into our everyday activities and relationship.
Facing the Mountain Zen Group is led by Rev. Sekibu Alice Tulloch. All members are encouraged to establish a daily meditation practice at home, with consideration for their daily life schedule. By appointment, practice discussion is available with one of our teachers for ongoing students.
A snowy trail overlooking the Northwest of Reno, Nevada.

Programs and Events

Every Tuesday, 6:30pm - 9:00pm

Weekly Zazenkai

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Tues, Th 6:15am - 6:45am

Morning Zazen

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Oct 10th - 13th

Fall Retreat

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Aug 24th & Sep 28th

Oryoki Workshop (Two Sessions)

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Oct 1st - Dec 8th

Fall Ango Practice Period

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